Thursday, December 30, 2010

Scarf weaved on a frame

As my English terminology is very poor in this field the explanations also will be poor. However I hope you will understand. What is needed - a rectangular frame with small holes (every 1 cm) on the edges and 2 extra holes on the corners. Using this you get a triangular scarf.

You begin with the top yarn. Take the left end. Fix it on the diagonal yarn to make a small knot.

So weaving begins. Start from the right top corner and go to the bottom. Technique is very simple - up, down, up, down.

And here it is!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas water-lily

I had nothing to wear on Christmas party. I have my old dress only. Luckily I have heard - it's allowed to wear old dress if you have some new accessory and noone will notice that you have had the same dress on previous party already. Well, I crocheted a shawl and made an organza water-lily to my old dress. I hope that will be enough.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My new camera bag

I have got a new camera. It needed a bag. Usually cameras' bags are black and look seriously. I do not think that camera bag should be like that. My bag is bright colours and look funny. It has a felted lining, I hope my camera will like it. No bag on the world will look like mine!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Finger puppets

My daughter's preschool teacher asked me to knit some finger puppets. She had have three piglets and a wolf some day but obviously the wolf ate two of them so there were just one wolf and one piglet still alive. So she asked me to knit two piglets instead of lost ones and maybe some more animals.
And I did it. I knitted two piglets and I decided that these will be the lazy ones so they must have good company to have fun with.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crazy scarf

Once I asked to my husband: "Would you like me to knit a sweater for you?" His answer was: "Why? I have one already. I would prefer a long and stylish scarf." I agreed to knit a scarf because it was a chance to try double knitting.
I began from the both ends. Colourwork at ends is double knitted. I made the charts inspired by the Egyptian and African pattern motifs. The vertical light yellow stripes in the middle also are double knitted. I joined both ends by the middle piece - the middle is knitted in perpenducular direction and the last stich is knitted together with the stich of the last row of one of the halves. Yes, alone it looks like a snake who has swallowed an elefant but when you put it around the neck it looks good.

Monday, October 18, 2010

My "good signs" blankets

These blankets are made for charity project which is made up for babies who are born before time. Actually since some time I had a plan to try new technique - illusion (shadow) knitting. And this project was very convenient for such a technique.

I wanted to put in good Latvian signs for children who stuggle for their life - God sign (the top triangle), Mara sign (bottom triangle) and Laima broom (middle part).

I used this tutorial to convert my chart for illusion knitting. This was my first try so the result is not very clear:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Brooch day

I had a brooch day yesterday.
Karlīne wanted a red one with perls:

I need a bowl in brick colour with stone. As all my stones it comes from seaside. I must confess that I am cheating a bit - it is not completed yet because the felt is still wet and the stone is not sticked down.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


My daughter and I we could not come to agreement about seual identity of this human.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Boresome cardigan

My ideas about this cardigan were magnificent before I started it. It should have been all embroidered and also decorated with ancient flower which I have written about already.
However I knitted garter stitch it didn't go fast anyway. And during I knitted thousands of another projects ideas were already in my mind. So I gave up the idea about embroidering. I kept only the very basic idea about the ancient flower ornament.
And so -

And here is the flower. The stem is not so blue, it is something like green-blue.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Princess'es backpack

This will be a backpack for a non-barbiestyle princess. I decided to try a new (not exactly new but new for me) application technique.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This is one of my long time projects, I made it for about half a year. I would like to share the process of making this pullover but I am afraid this is not 100% perfect pattern. However maybe you can get just something useful for you.

Yarn Almina Madame Tricote (50g/169m) - about 400g (different colours). Needles - knitting needles 1.5 mm.
Size: length=47cm, width=30cm, sleeves (semi-long)=22cm.
Used technique - patchwork (modular knitting). Size of one square=4x4cm.
The draft:

And the basic knitting in real (not too big difference this time except colours):

How to make a square. Pick up stiches of both sides of previous squares (15 of each side). If it is first squares row then cast on 30 stiches. Knit in garter stich (i.e. knit every row). Decrease 2 st every 2nd row in the middle: sl1,k1,psso, k2tog. The last 2 rows decrease every row (until 2 st remained), cut thread and pull through. When making the next square don't forget knit in this thread - to avoid many endings of thread at the end of project.

Not all pieces are squares. You will have to make triangles as well where needed. Here must be split for a zip-fastener:

That means that you pick up 15st from only one side and decrease (k2tog) two last stiches in the each 2nd row (the middle i.e. the place of split is the place of decrease).

To make smooth line on the shoulders pick up the remaining stiches on the top:
Decrease at marked places. Marked white - 2st every 2nd row (sl1,k1,psso, k2tog), marked blue - 2st every 4th row, marked red - k2tog at the end of each row. Continue untile there are no stiches left between red and white points. Cast off. The result should look like this:
There are 2 such pieces on each shoulder. Leave 2 not filled triangles on the back. They will be filled separately:

Pick up 30 stiches (as usually), make decrease in the middle (as described for square) and k2tog in the end of each row. This makes a triangle with a straight line on the top. You make 2 middle top triangles this way.
Now it looks like this:

The collar is knitted top to bottom. I casted on 100 stiches and increased evenly to reach the total length of the top edge.

Sew to the top of the pullover using backstich seam.

Sew in the zip. Knit 2 pieces of small bands and sew them on the left side to hide the zip.

How it looks from above:

The pockets-frogs:
A frog consists of 4 square pieces (knitted as usual) and the head. Head is knitted as following - pick up the stiches from the both sides of the top square. Increase 2 st each 2 rows. Continue until th head is big enough. Crochet the edge (i.e. mouth) and make 5 double crochets in the both sides of the moth. Sew in the eyes (this frog has felted eyes.
Legs - knitted round (12st for back legs, 10st for front legs) and increased on the ends to make paddles.
Here are the component parts (I made buttonholes in the head, my idea was to make eyes as buttons. Unfortunaly this idea failed, so I sew the eyes on the head.)

Sew on the pockets using backstich seam:

Fix the legs to make them look normally:

So - if the pullover was sleeveless it would look like this:

But I forsed myself to knit sleeves (because they were in my initial idea and I didn't want to draw back). Sleeves are just straight, knitted round:

And here with my topmodel (very bad pictures because of my dieing camera):