I had decided to do properly - to crochet on a pattern. But I did wrong something and the result is not alike to that one in the pattern. I think it's even better. I haven't ever tried to work on patterns after that, I have only made my owns.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Summer skirt for a girl
Yellow bricks pullover
I wanted rhombs with light middle and dark edges. I don't know weather it is a classic patchwork. Pattern is here.
Dress for a little girl
The first dress for my daughter. The idea was to combine light green with dark blue. The result was great, but it became too small quickly.
Back side:
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
My first steps in quilting
Yellow bricks pullover - pattern
Small - Medium
Angora Ram - white 100g, Yellow 100g, brown 100g
Job description
Make the pieces at first. Every piece must be knitted in the round, beginning from the center. Colours can be changed from round to round.
Cast on 8 stiches.
1st round: k8
2nd round: (k1,yo,k1)* repeat 4 times
3rd round: (k1,yo,k1,yo,k1)* repeat 4 times
4th round: k20
5th round: (k1,k1,yo,k1,yo,k1,k1)* repeat 4 times
6th round: k28 … etc
12th round: purle all and make one extra stich in each corner
Do not bind off. Use a temporary yarn for fixing stiches.
Pieces are linked together using backstich seam. My pieces were 5×5 cm and were placed in a scheme figured in the picture above. The points with equal numbers must be put together (see the schema).
Finnish ends using backstich seam. Corners connections (if ugly) can be covered by embroidered flowers.
Blue pullover with a tie - pattern
Size – small
Matherials – Alpaca lace 500 g (blue), 50 g (gray); cable needles size 2.25mm, hook 2.5mm
A key to abbreviations
k knit
p purle
sl slip
k2tog knit 2 stiches together
yo yarn over
psso pass the slipped stich over
c2f cable 2 front
c2b cable 2 back
Bottom part 33 stiches =10cm horizontally, 42 rows = 10cm vertically.
Top part and sleeves – 50 stiches = 10cm horizontally, 44 rows = 10 cm vertically
The schema
Measurements are given in centimeters.
Equal numbered points have to be placed together. Points a and a’ is placed close to each other but there still is a little distance between them.
The red marked edges will have a crocheted border.
The explanation of the most important points:
1, 4 – underarm; 5, 6 – shoulder; 7 – middle front.
Job description
Bottom part
Cast on 210 stiches.
1st row (right side): p2, * sl1, k1, psso, k3, yo, p2, yo, k3, k2tog, p2. Repeate from * to end.
2nd row (wrong side): k2, *(p5, k2). Repeate from * to end.
3rd row identical with 1st row.
4th row identical with 2nd row.
5th row identical with 1st row.
6th row identical with 2nd row.
7th row: p2, *yo, k3, k2tog, p2, sl1, k1, psso, k3, yo, p2. Repeate from * to end.
8th row identical with 2nd row.
9th row: p3, * yo, k3, k2tog, p2, sl1, k1, psso, k3, yo, p2. Repeate from * to end.
10th row: k3, * p4, k2, k3. Repeate from * to end.
11th row: p4, * yo, k1, k2tog, p2, sl1, k1, psso, k1, yo, p4. Repeate from * to end.
12th row: k4, * p3, k2, p3, k4. Repeate from * to end.
13th row: p5, * yo, k2tog, p2, sl1, k1, psso, yo, p5. Repeate from * to end.
14th row: k5, * p2, k2, p2, k5. Repeate from * to end.
15th row: p2, * yo, k3, k2tog, p2, sl1, k1, psso, k3, yo, p2. Repeate from * to end.
16th row identical with 2nd row.
17th row identical with 15th row.
18th row identical with 2nd row.
19th row identical with 15th row.
20th row identical with 2nd row.
21th row identical with 1st row.
22th row identical with 2nd row.
23th row: p2, * sl1, k1, psso, k2, yo, p4, yo, k2, k2tog, p2. Repeate from * to end.
24th row: k2, * p4, k4, p4, k2. Repeate from * to end.
25th row: p2, * sl1, k1, psso, k1, yo, p6, yo, k1, k2tog, p2. Repeate from * to end.
26th row: k2, * p3, k6, p3, k2. Repeate from * to end.
27th row: p2, * sl1, k1, psso, yo, p8, yo, k2tog, p2. Repeate from * to end.
28th row: k2, * p2, k8, p2, k2. Repeate from * to end.
Repete these 28 rows 6 times. Press the finished detail.
Top part.
1st row (right side): c2f, p3
2nd row (wrong side): p2, k3
3rd row: c2b, p3
4th row: p2, k3.
Begin with the both front parts (cast on 63 stiches for each), decrease both ( approx. every 3rd row) to form the shape (see schema). Notice that decrease is on the side (at the sleeve cut) not the front. When the shoulder points (5, 6) are reached increase 5 stiches in 5 rows at first. Then just cast on the remaining 12 stiches to form the neckline. Connect this all togethet in one piece – left front part, just casted stiches, right front part. Then knit the back side to form the shape.
When finished, connect top part to the bottom part (see the schema which points must be placed together).
Technical pattern the same as for the top part.
Start with one piece, when underarm is reached split it in 2 parts. Decrease each part to form the shape of the sleeve – decrease 10 stiches in one row at first, then decrease 1 stich each row.
Sew up the garnment.
Chose some crochet pattern for borders – notice that it has to have holes in it. Take a different colour (gray in my case). Form the edges (marked in red – see schema). For sleeves – when you crochet the last row connect it with the crocheted line on the other side – to make the sleeve together.
Make (knit or crochet) a tight tie. Draw it through the holes and tie up in the bottom.
It’s ready!
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