Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crazy scarf

Once I asked to my husband: "Would you like me to knit a sweater for you?" His answer was: "Why? I have one already. I would prefer a long and stylish scarf." I agreed to knit a scarf because it was a chance to try double knitting.
I began from the both ends. Colourwork at ends is double knitted. I made the charts inspired by the Egyptian and African pattern motifs. The vertical light yellow stripes in the middle also are double knitted. I joined both ends by the middle piece - the middle is knitted in perpenducular direction and the last stich is knitted together with the stich of the last row of one of the halves. Yes, alone it looks like a snake who has swallowed an elefant but when you put it around the neck it looks good.

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