Saturday, May 1, 2010

My unlucky cardigan

Before beginning the work I spent much time to think about it - I had several a little bit crazy ideas about how to make it and it's details. Maybe too much. I remember my going to yarn shop and choosing colours. I remember how happy I was when carrying the full packet of yarns.

I decided to knit it diagonally (front sides beginning from bottom corner, back side beginning from buttom middle point and increasing/ decreasing at edges to make the shape needed). I chose this knitting pattern. Unfortunately I didn't prefigure what it will look like finally. Maybe it would look better if I knitted just stockinette or garter stich which are too boring for me but normal. But the result was that the cardigan doesn't fit well - it slouchs and makes hips too big. I had bad suspicion about that during the process but I hoped that it will be ok somehow at the end. When the cardigan was finished I saw that it doesn't look good but I tried to close my eyes to that. But when I saw other's cardigans which looked perfect I could not spoof myself anymore. I wanted to delete that project from my life, I wanted to forget it. I have even deleted the pictures of me wearing it (made when I had just finished the project). It has become my home cardigan now. And I am not proud of it at all. Here is the picture how it looks now:

I should learn from my own mistakes and not to think too much about the project before. Thinking too much and too long means that there are enough time for several weird, crazy and not verified ideas to come and when I try to combine those ideas (oh, sometimes it's enough with only one to make the things go wrong) in one project the result is also weird. But actually I must confess that I am just knitting another one "long time planned and full of silly ideas" cardigan. Will I ever knit just a normal cardigan which just fits?


  1. Everyone should have a slouchy 'home' sweater, to wear when we need comfort :-)

  2. I really like your cardigan :) I recently finished the most awful cardigan in the world but I think we should still be proud of our attempts. Not proud enough to wear outside :P but still

  3. I really like it. And it certainly looks comfy

  4. I like it you should be proud of it cause you made it.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog & commenting on my photos from work.

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